-version 3.0- feat. Cloud Strife

For past layouts, click here.


Welcome to "Nekkid Creativity". This is a haven where I could show the more creative side of me. I may not be the best blender, but I hope you would appreciate what I came up with. Please feel free to drop your comment on my guestbook, or you could even email me. Thanks




Name: Fredy Kosman
Location: Singapore
Email: f.kosmanz@gmail.com
MSN: ultimate_vengeance
My Blog: click here


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Link Me.


photoshop elements 2.0


March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005


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Friday, July 29, 2005

Ok, before I show you the new blend that I made, I have one announcement to make. Please, please don't send me emails asking me to do layout because it will take me forever, besides I don't know how to make layout myself. I can make graphics, blends, wallpapers, avatars, header, or any related stuffs you might want to use in your website, but not layout. Thanks.

Secondly, as you guys know, I started school this year, so I would make blends whenever I have the time to. So don't be surprise to see only a blend per week. I've been extremely busy, but rest assure this site would be updated regularly.

Now, the new blend that I promised.

*click on the thumbnail for the original size.

Lots of love,

k0smanZz 3:12 PM