-version 3.0- feat. Cloud Strife

For past layouts, click here.


Welcome to "Nekkid Creativity". This is a haven where I could show the more creative side of me. I may not be the best blender, but I hope you would appreciate what I came up with. Please feel free to drop your comment on my guestbook, or you could even email me. Thanks




Name: Fredy Kosman
Location: Singapore
Email: f.kosmanz@gmail.com
MSN: ultimate_vengeance
My Blog: click here


coming soon...

Link Me.


photoshop elements 2.0


March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
October 2005


hit counters
Comcast Internet Service Provider

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Yay! I'm Back Again

I have been blending loads, I just have been extremely busy with my personal stuffs to update this site. However, I decided to take this holiday opportunity to have a much needed face-lift for this site.

As you can see, I've changed the layout. It's now at its Version 3.0 featuring Could Strife from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Child. Fantastic movie by the way. :)

I've added tons and tons of blends, graphics, avatars onto its respective sections. So be sure to check them out. Also, I've made sure that my graphics are more well-organized now. :)

A new section - "Tutorial". It's still at a very green stage. But as time goes by, I'll be adding more tutorials and blending tips for all beginners to blending. All tutorials are for Photoshop 7, but other programmes might have some similar applications too.

There are of course other sections that I'll be adding as time goes by, such as "Media" and lots more. As for now, please enjoy your stay here to a brand new Nekkid Creativity. :)

Be creative, it's great for your soul.

Lots of love,

k0smanZz 12:27 AM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Finally, an update. Been extremely busy with school. Nevertheless, these are the 4 new blends that I've made:

*for more graphics, go to Graphics/Blends Section

k0smanZz 1:45 AM

Friday, July 29, 2005

Ok, before I show you the new blend that I made, I have one announcement to make. Please, please don't send me emails asking me to do layout because it will take me forever, besides I don't know how to make layout myself. I can make graphics, blends, wallpapers, avatars, header, or any related stuffs you might want to use in your website, but not layout. Thanks.

Secondly, as you guys know, I started school this year, so I would make blends whenever I have the time to. So don't be surprise to see only a blend per week. I've been extremely busy, but rest assure this site would be updated regularly.

Now, the new blend that I promised.

*click on the thumbnail for the original size.

Lots of love,

k0smanZz 3:12 PM

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'm really sorry for the super-long hiatus. So I decided to return with a brand new layout and here it is. I hope you guys like the new layout. =) It took me quite sometimes to figure it all out.

There are 2 new sections: "Avatars" and "Media". So I hope you would enjoy your stay here even more.

Thank you.


k0smanZz 9:30 PM

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the lack of update for more than a month. I'm really sorry. I was extremely busy with my school and settling back in Singapore. Furthermore, my connection was a little 'weird', but now I'm back and I'll try to update as much as possible.

The long-awaited "Media" section will be up and running. However, I may need a little more time on it, so do check back for more updates.

Here are 3 blends I've made to mark my return. Hope you like them:

Ashlee Simpson:

Britney Spears:

More blends/graphics are available at my "Graphics" section.

P.S: I'm thinking of changing the lay-out to my site. So if you have any suggestions, do email me or drop a line or two on my "Guestbook". Thank you.

k0smanZz 6:56 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I found a really good site for HQ pics of celebrities, which is why I made quite a lot of graphics, wallpapers. So here they are!



That's all I have. I'm making the "Game StationZz" section. Should be up in a week or two. :D

Lots of love,

k0smanZz 2:30 PM

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I have my laptop repaired and as I promised, a lot of new graphics as well as wallpaper. So here are the 5 new ones that I have. 2 of Britney Spears, 1 of Green Day, 1 of Kelly Clarkson and 1 of Rob Thomas.

1 new wallpaper of Britney Spears:

That's all I have for today, hope you guys like these new stuffs that I posted. Updates might be slow for the next few weeks, because I'll be going back to Singapore and I figure there'll be lots of things that I will be doing.

Lots of love,

k0smanZz 3:08 PM